Monday 23 April 2012

The Box

Boxed with things you cast aside.
Other importances on your mind.
But, in your box I am to stay.
Never to move or go astray.
I will sit and I will wait.
You not I have decide my fate.
Outside things to please your eyes.
All the while I color the insides
No question my lips will pose.
You are the box that I have chose.

Monday 16 April 2012

A Window

A window is a magical thing,
It is a glimpse of freedom from a cramped classroom.
It is a beloved view from a lived in home.
It is a discreet insight into the life of a stranger.
It is a shred of hope from inside a prison cell.
It is a view of nature from an inner city apartment.
It is something important to all of us.
And yet it is just metal & glass.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Children Skipping Stones

Little children skipping stones.
Here come the bad man, break their bones.
He will take them all away.
Never to see the light of day.
He will play with them like toys.
Say goodbye to girls & boys.


This is my new blog, where I put my thoughts, poems & ramblings. Quite simple.